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Social and Psychological Aspects

This section has been edited by Dr. Laura Bonanni with whom we share the same feeling of importance in acting decisively on the social and psychological aspects of albinism.

We want to thank her for her ideas and the collaboration, and freely offering her experience and professionalism.

To help facilitate a continuing dialogue we have opened a discussion forum open to all members who want to debate this particular issue or ask Dr. Bonanni any questions related to her work for which she has agreed to give prompt responses and to fuel the debate.

Curriculum vitae and photo of Dr. Laura Bonanni

Read about her experience in relation to albinism

Access the forum LET'S TALK TOGETHER “sharing helps us to understand”

To contact Dr. Bonanni directly email her at:

Self-esteem and self-confidence as a result of appropriate parent-child interactions
Life is a great adventure / disaster?

Management of the limit as a growth potential.
Video produced by the Italian Centre for Psychological Development of Rome.

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