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   » Associated Syndromes
      » Hermanski-Pudlak
      » Chediak-Higashi
      » Griscelli-Prunieras
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   » 2013 - Caltanissetta
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We want to thank all those who have worked and assisted in the creation, expansion, improvement and maintenance of the website.
In particular we want to thank Gianluigi Mascia for the work done and Isabella Macchiarulo, who helps me to take care of the technical aspects and the aspects linked to web accessibility, which with great skills, patience and timely collaboration she makes my ideas a reality.
We extend a special thanks to Dr. Loredana Boccone (responsible for the Operative Unit "Day Hospital and Clinical Genetics Department and Rare Diseases" at the Paediatric University in Cagliari), who kindly edited the section about information, Dr.ssa Laura Bonanni, who takes care of the section on social and psychological aspects and Dr. Maria Cristina Patrosso for scientific insights.
Thanks also Alessandra Cabiddu for the great work of translating the English-language website that has allowed us to open an important window of communication with the rest of the world.

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