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      » Hermanski-Pudlak
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   » 2011 - Roma
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   » 2013 - Caltanissetta
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About us

Our goal is to become the reference point for the people affected by albinism and their families.
It's fundamental to create a network of contacts to reach this goal. To get around the structure of a classic association that would need a considerable amount of money and human resources, we conceived and created an easy virtual community.
Thanks to modern technology we are able to get in touch with many people at the same time with no wasted money or time.
There are no subdivisions or representatives, so that the exchange of ideas and information will be easier and faster, with the purpose of increasing knowledge and sensitivity of the readers and mainly to tear down the barrier of diversity and prejudices.
Our aim is to spread as much as information as we can in order to ease the lives of albinos and their families.
We intend to create a partnership with anyone who, including associations, shares and pursues our goals with a positive and constructive attitude.

Everyone who contributes to the blog or forum must take full responsibility of what they write and must prove the accuracy and source of material and scientific information published on this site, including of course the conference proceedings.

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