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2009 - Clear by nature - 1st National Conference

The experience of the limit as capacity of growth
Doctor Laura Bonanni

“Whoever is strong enough to feel and endure the pain is just as able to live fully” (M. Novellino)
What makes a limit a disabling block? What turns it into a resource/growth?
By examining and explaining the concept of a limit and by focusing on the meaning and importance of personal experiences, which help us form our belief system, we arrive at the core of the report: decisions are responsible for the implementation of behavioural models.
An emphasis has been put on the concept of natural symbiosis that exists between a mother and her child and its significant importance in the very early stages of a child's life. Furthermore, importance has been placed upon how this symbiosis can lead to a dysfunctional and restraining bond for the child if his or her age, actual skills, resources and practical skills are not taken into consideration.
What helps make us "winners" or "losers"? What makes the difference? A real and sincere understanding of ourselves and avoiding overestimating ourselves or attitudes of grandeur and challenge does, but also avoiding underestimating and belittling our abilities and resources.
To be a winner you'll need:
   » courage to live a life of freedom that autonomy entails,
   » courage to engage in direct and intimate relationships with others,
   » courage to give an unpopular opinion,
   » courage to stay true to yourself instead of seeking approval from others,
   » courage to accept responsibility for your own choices,
   » courage to be the special person that everyone is.
So a winner is not someone who gets an advantage over others, or arrives before anyone else.

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